Kumali House – Avoca Beach

Trademark Building completed this small renovation with the clients brief to ‘combine open plan living with the focal point to entertain around our kitchen’. With a large amount of structural work involved, this crammed first floor was transformed with new matt black windows and stacker sliding doors, huge entertainers kitchen, hidden laundry, architectural cornice trims and seamless timber flooring.

Project Details

Client: Lusciano Family

Project Type: Renovations

Price Range: $120-$160k

Date completed: 2019

Building Design : A1 Building Design
Engineering : Eddy Consulting 

We had a renovation planned for about 6 months but really wasn’t sure if we wanted to get it going for two main reasons. Can we trust them to do a great job and secondly how disruptive would it be? Well Paul and his team really out performed our expectations on both. The final outcome was nothing short of fantastic and the process went very smoothly and on budget. We highly recommend Paul to complete your next building project.

Frank & Elizabeth

Kumali House - Avoca Beach

